
First Semester
AE 111 - 112 /— Advanced English I - II / Unrestricted Elective 3 3 5 5
EC 101 / 102 Principles of Microeconomics / Principles of Macroeconomics 3 3 6 6
ED 101 Introduction to Education
Basic concepts, principles and characteristics of education; social, political, philosophical, and historical foundations of education in general and the Turkish educational system in particular.
3 3 6 6
ED 121 Freshman Orientation
A general introduction to the university, faculty, department and the program. Issues of freshman students in adjusting into academic life. Understanding the extent of the field and career options in guidance and unseling.
2 2 5 5
MATH 105 / 106 Introduction to Finite Math. / Intro. To Calculus for Soc. Sci. 4 4 6 6
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 3 4 4
Second Semester
BIO 152 Introduction to Modern Biology 3 3 5 5
ED 104 Social Foundations of Education
School as a social institution in a social system. Critical analysis of roles of students, teachers and schools in society. The role of education in social stratification, social class, gender and equality of educational pportunity.
3 3 5 5
ED 132 Ethical Issues in Counseling
Development of ethical awareness and thinking. Introduction to ethical issues in counseling practice. Relations with law.
2 2 5 5
HIST 105 / 106 - HUM 101 / 102 Making of the Mod. World I / II - Cultural Encounters I  /  II 3 4 5 6
PHIL 101 / 112 Introduction to Philosophy / Intro. Modern Philosophy 3 3 6 8
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology I 3 3 5 5
Third Semester
ED 201 Introduction to Statistics
Concepts of measurement in social sciences; descriptive and inferential statistics, parametric and non-parametric techniques of statistics. Data analyses with statistical software.
4 4 6 6
ED 209 Lifespan Development
Stages and processes of human lifespan changes in physical, emotional, cognitive and social domains of development. Issues of risk and resiliency.
4 4 6 6
ED 221 Fundamentals of Guidance and Counseling
Introduction into the field of guidance and counseling; its conceptualization, historical background, nature, professional roles, direct and indirect functions. A brief review of career counseling, counseling with special groups, basic assessment techniques, and development of these services in Türkiye.
3 3 5 5
PSY 241 / 242 Social Psychology /Social Influences on Behavior 3 3 5 5
TK 221 Turkish for Native Speakers I 2 2 3 3
Unrestricted Elective 3 3 5 5
Fourth Semester
ED 208 Research Methodology
Introduction to the logic of social scientific inquiry. Basic concepts and techniques in quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Understanding the interrelated roles of research design, measurement and statistics. Using theoretical framework in developing research proposals in educational settings.
4 4 6 6
ED 226 Theories of Personality
Comparative review of basic assumptions, constructs, and research related to major theories of personality and discussion of their implications for counseling.
3 3 5 5
ED 252 Educational Administration
Theories and approaches in educational administration. Administrative functions and processes, organizational behavior, leadership, culture and climate in educational organizations.
3 3 5 5
Spec. Elective¹ Specialized Elective¹
Community Services
3 4 5 6
TK 222 Turkish for Native Speakers II 2 2 3 3
Unrestricted Elective 3 3 5 5
Fifth Semester
CET 360 Inst. Tech. Material & Dev. 3 3 5 5
ED 309 Applied Research
Implementation of quantitative and qualitative research proposals. Analysis of data through the use of computer software packages. Writing research reports.
3 3 6 6
ED 330 Basic Counseling Skills
Survey of major concepts, theories and approaches to counseling. Practice basic counseling skills.
3 3 6 6
ED 370 Program Development and Evaluation
Processes and elements of program development and evaluation. Survey of different theoretical approaches and models. Program development under supervision.
4 4 6 6
HTR 311 History of the Turkish Republic I 2 2 3 3
Complementary Elective 3 3 5 5
Sixth Semester
ED 328 Understanding Maladjustment
Theoretical discussion of underlying social, cultural and psychological factors of maladjustment. Issues in counseling with various patterns of maladjustment.
4 4 6 6
ED 374 Measurement and Evaluation
Theories of measurement and evaluation and their historical development. Concepts of objectivity, reliability and validity. Theories and concepts related to different types of tests. Statistical analyses of test scores and the interpretation of test results.
3 3 6 6
HTR 312 History of the Turkish Republic II 2 2 3 3
Spec. Elective² Specialized Elective²
Culture and Diversity
3 3 5 5
Unrestricted Elective 3 3 5 5
Unrestricted Elective 3 3 5 5
Seventh Semester
ED 401 Classroom Management
Development of effective classroom management skills. Understanding and handling factors influencing student behavior, student motivation, communication and group interaction. Establishing and maintaining standards of behavior. Planning and modification of classroom tasks, materials, time and environment to facilitate learning.
3 3 6 6
ED 421 Introduction to Assessment in Counseling
Review of basic principles of psychological assessment in counseling. Introduction to major techniques and tests used in counseling settings. In class practice of selected tests.
3 3 6 6
ED 425 Group Dynamics and Counseling
Elements of group dynamics and processes. Review of major theories and approaches in group counseling. Practice of group facilitation skills.
3 3 6 6
ED 477 School Counseling Practicum I
Observation and supportive involvement in planning, organization and implementation of school guidance and counseling activities under the supervision of a school counselor. Promotion of awareness about ethical issues involved in working at schools and preparation for forming counseling relationships.
4 4 8 8
Unrestricted Elective 3 3 5 5
Eighth Semester
ED 434 Advanced Counseling Skills
In depth review of various theories, concepts, and skills of counseling. Supervised applications of these skills.
3 3 6 6
ED 444 Psychoeducational Consultation
Consultation and collaboration in educational settings. Rationale and techniques used in consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators to prevent and cope with learning and adjustment difficulties.
3 3 6 6
ED 478 School Counseling Practicum II
Development, implementation and evaluation of group and individual work under the supervision of a school counselor. Ethical analysis of observed practice in schools.
4 4 8 8
Complementary Elective 3 3 5 5
Unrestricted Elective 3 3 5 5