Fatma Nevra SEGGIE

BA: Istanbul University, 1994
MA: University of Warwick, 1996
PhD: Michigan State University, 2007
Research Interests: 

Access in Education; Gender and Identity Issues in the Turkish Education System; Organizational Change and Leadership in Education; Research Methods in Education; Policy Development and Analysis in Education; Culture and the Role of Secularism and Religion in Education in Turkey.



Seggie, F. N. (forthcoming). Perceptions and responses of selected administrators to language policy change at a Turkish university. World Studies in Education.

Seggie, F. N., & Austin, A. E. (forthcoming). Impact of the Headscarf Policy on the Identity Development of Part-Time Unveilers in Turkish Higher Education. Journal of College Student Development.

Seggie, F. N., & Wang, W. (forthcoming). Different Missions of Community College Systems in Two Different Countries: Community Education in Taiwan Versus Vocational Education in Turkey. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

Seggie, F. N., & Sanford, G. (2010). Perceptions of Muslim international and Muslim American female students: Campus religious climate. Race, Ethnicity & Education. 13(1): 59–82.

Mabokela, R. O., & Seggie, F. N.  (2008). Mini skirts and headscarves: Undergraduate student perceptions of secularism in Turkish higher education. Higher Education. 55(2): 155-170.

Seggie, F. N., & Mabokela, R. O. (2006). Impact of secularism on undergraduate core curriculum: Perceptions of Turkish students and faculty. Education and Society, 24(2): 5-24.


Seggie, F. N. & Mabokela, R. O. (2009). Unpacking the Turkish undergraduate core curriculum: A comparative textbook analysis. In Fatma Nevra Seggie & Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela (Eds.), Islam and Higher Education in Transitional Societies (pp. 83-98)Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Seggie, F. N. (2007). Perceptions of Graduate Students Towards the Manifestation of Secularism in Turkish Higher Education. In Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela (Ed.), Soaring beyond boundaries: Women breaking educational barriers in traditional societies (pp. 37-54). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


 Seggie, F. N. & Mabokela, R. O. (Eds.) (2009). Islam and Higher Education in Transitional Societies. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Seggie, F. N. (2009). Başörtüsü yasağının bir başka yüzü, Feminisite, Temmuz 9, http://www.feminisite.net/news.php?act=details&nid=657

Seggie, F. N. (2008).  (Mis)understanding of secularism among higher education students in Turkey. Turkish Daily News, January 3, p.15

Seggie, F. N. (2008). The impact of the higher education 'turban' ban policy on part-time unveilersTurkish Daily News, February 4, http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=94971

Recent Projects: 

Co-coordinator of a Partner Country (Bogazici University, Turkey): European Values Education (July 2009-August 2011). The Comenius Lifelong Learning Program, Project No: 03068-LLP-1-2009-1-NL-COMENIUS-CMP (Administration: Fontys University of Applied Sciences Tilburg, NL), Supported by European Commission: Executive Agency, Education, Audiovisual, & Culture (EACEA).